
雅思阅读2019-10-09 13:09:57


我们耳熟能详的代词,像 this、that、those、these,这些指示代词的使用在雅思阅读屡见不鲜,比如剑7的文章,Despite our progress, half of the world’s population still suffers, with water services inferior to those available to the ancient Greeks and Romans. 
尽管我们有进步,世界上一般的人口仍然在受苦,他们供水装置还不如那些古希腊古罗马的供水装置。在这一句中,those指代了上文出现过的water services。

除此之外,在我们雅思阅读中还经常出现 some, others 这样的代词。例如剑13 测试3 的 passage3,文章讲述哈拉帕文明发生的事情以及新研究揭示了一个古文明社会的消失。在文中有这么一段:Some have claimed that major glacier-fed rivers changed their course, dramatically affecting the water supply and agriculture; or that the cities could not cope with an increasing population, they exhausted their resource base, the trading economy broke down or they succumbed to invasion and conflict; and yet others that climate change caused an environmental change that affected food and water provision.在这句话里,作者用 some...others 表示了两方专家观点的对立。

这些代词其貌不扬,但是经常作为重要纽带信息,出现在题目或者文章定位句中,我们首先来看一下学生错误率很高的一道来自剑12的真题,整个文章介绍了一种不同寻常的材料---栓皮。在第9题的notes填空中,我们可以看到题目 advantages of cork bottle:stoppers suit the ____ of quality products. 根据quality goods关键词定位到原文最后一段前两句:The classic cork stopper does have several advantages, however. Firstly, its traditional image is more in keeping with that of the type of high quality goods with which it has long been associated.”

看完这段话,学生能很快定位,并且确定suit和文中in keep with 是同义替换,所以就直接填了in keep with后面的名词type。填完之后,检查通读一下,似乎也很通顺。正确答案真的如此吗?其实,正确答案距离我们一步之遥,但是我们却失之交臂,究其原因,就在于代词没有掌握扎实。仔细一看,在in keep with 后面有一个代词that, 文中提到经典的栓木塞更符合高端类型的that,而根据代词一般指代前文内容,如果我们把整个句子还原一下,应该是这样的:The traditional image of cork stopper is more in keeping with image of the type of high quality goods 由此可知,that表示前文的image,也就是说栓木形象与产品的形象一致,所以答案应该是that所代表的名词image。

通过上述例子,我们得知小小的代词,可以使一个句子内部内容更简明扼要,不拖泥带水而代词有时候则可以用在不同的句子里,帮助实现句子之间的衔接和逻辑。在剑11中的段落信息配对题,我们发现学生下面这道题,也往往无法确定答案。题目:Mention of different focuses of books about mathematics,关于数学书不同的关注焦点。在原文中,我们会找到这样的信息:In that respect, this book differs from most books on mathematics written for the general public. Some present the lives of colorful mathematicians. Others describe important applications of mathematics.

在上述句子中,由于代词some,others的使用,我们可能没有明确两者的指代,而导致模棱两可地阅读,事实上,他们分别表示some books, other books。所以用以上代词,帮助衔接了句子之间的逻辑关系。some和others合在一起,表示different。


What does ' this' refer to in the seventh paragraph?
A.   the Lapita's seafaring talent
B.   the Lapita's ability to detect signs of land
C.   the Lapita's extensive knowledge of the region
D.   the Lapita's belief they would be able to return home

定位原文第7段第3、4句 “they could sail out for days into the unknown and assess the area, secure in the knowledge that if they didn't find anything, they could turn about and catch a swift ride back on the trade winds. This is what would have made the whole thing work.'” 他们能够行驶数天进入未知地带,因为他们确定地知道如果一无所获,他们能够转向乘着顺风快速返回。这正是促成整个探索行动成功的关键。联系“This” 的上文,可发现其指代的意思是Lapita人相信他们能够返回家的信念,故选择D the Lapita’s belief they would be able to return home。通过代词,实现了句子之间更加顺畅简洁的表达。

进一步而言,从更加宏观的角度,我们会发现,一个其貌不扬的代词,有时会用来衔两个大的段落。 比如剑12的test7 passage 1,文章介绍了通过飞行放归的项目帮助环境保护者采取重要的措施,来保护受到濒临灭绝的加拉帕戈斯岛龟。在F段第一句“This unprecedented effort was made possible by the owners of the 67-metre yacht White Cloud…”该句中this的使用,表明两段之间藕断丝连,这种史无前例的努力变成现实,说明上一段描述的是他们的努力,而这种努力主要基于计划层面,并未付诸实践,所以是planning a bigger idea是上一段的段落大意,而这一段则说明了67米长的游艇“白云号”的船主们前所未有的努力,得以将此施展开来。本段后期具体描述了各方的具体操作方式“carefully prepared operations”,因此这道题目选择carrying out a carefully prepared operation。通过这个代词this,我们更加确定两段之间的关系,并且帮助我们快速解决了两段的主要含义。



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